Hi, I'm Trudy.
A bodacious bovine with a big sense of humor. I’m also the friendly face of one of America’s favorite flavored milk brands.
Sure, I grew up on a farm.
But now I’m a gal who’s on the mooove. I’m into roller skating. Dance parties. Performing moo-sicals. And watching moo-vies with my friends.
Here are other fun facts about me.
Favorite color? Chocolate Brown. Favorite dessert? Milkshake. Favorite singer? Moo-donna. Favorite holiday? All of ‘em. But especially Halloween because I get to dress up like a moo-mmy.
Say Hello to My Family!
I may be TruMoo's mascot, but I also count myself lucky to be a part of Dairy Farmers of America, a national cooperative of dairy farmers and their families. As a co-op, profits from every TruMoo® product go to support my extended family, so they can keep making the most MOOLICIOUS milk you crave every day!